Solar Recover Save Your Skin, 12 oz.
$ 18.00 Excl. tax
Save Your Skin has multiple beneficial uses that will improve the health of your skin especially if used daily. Save Your Skin is all-natural. This spray calms down burns and rehydrates your skin from sun exposure and day-to-day activities.
Product description
Our lead product was conceived of a few years ago innocently enough when I owned a tennis club in the Southern California desert where the daytime summer temps reached 115 degrees regularly. After being nuked all day the last thing I wanted to do was to smear sticky aloe products on my skin.
We created a fine mist to rehydrate and discovered by accident one day when we got sunburned at the beach that the spray calmed down the burn and prevented peeling unlike anything else we had ever used.
We began testing it all over the Caribbean on ourselves by purposely lying out in the sun and burning ourselves with consistent results that saved many a vacation. We typically stayed at smaller resorts where we were able to get friendly with the ownership and management so as to be able to leave bottles of our concoction at the lobby desk for other guests to try with results that had the vacationers begging to buy it from us.
Those initial results spawned the name Solar Recover, which is now somewhat misleading as Save Your Skin and Save Your Hair which was initially positioned as sun care products have now also crossed over into the general personal care arena:
- We spray our entire bodies every day all year even during the colder months as an antidote for dry skin due to dry heat and chlorine from the tap shower water. We keep a bottle at every sink in our house. If we touch water we towel dry and rehydrate immediately
- It's a great way to moisturize skin daily for women and especially for men who are lazy and far to hairy to bother with smearing cream on their arms and legs. We also use it as an after-shave as it works better than anything else we've tried in calming down irritated skin.
- Charlene is an Esthetician and uses it to calm down irritated skin after waxing her clients.
- I prefer Save Your Skin to creams for hand moisture because I can use my hands right away after applying it without getting anything I touch greasy.
- And best of all, Save Your Skin is a great marinade for tuna steaks (Alright, we went a little to far with that one)
In short, Save Your Skin has multiple beneficial uses that will improve the health of your skin especially if used daily. Save Your Skin is all-natural. In fact, when I go into a new perspective store to demonstrate it and our other products I spray it directly into my face with my eyes wide open. I don't recommend doing that for anyone else, but that is how natural we feel our ingredients are.
INGREDIENTS: Distilled water, natural vitamin E, calendula, lavender oil, sesame oil, geranium oil, roman chamomile oil, sandalwood oil, and French seaweed absolute.
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Solar Recover Save Your Skin
$ 18.00 Excl. tax